
  1. Executive Coaching
  2. Leadership Development
Classroom-Delivered Workshops

Awareness about self and others is the key to improved communication and ongoing career success. Productivity is greatly increased (research says by >20%) when the lubricant of effective human interaction is practiced. Our learning products increase knowledge, develop skills, and change behaviors! Human dynamics is the foundation upon which people interact.

We deliver training that is adult-focused, learner-centered, skill-based, interactive, and enjoyable.  The suggested training DURATION is flexible depending on the client’s specific learning objectives.


Contact us for a FULL Course Description and CUSTOMIZED Training Proposal

Leadership Development

Traditionally, leadership development has focused on developing the leadership abilities and attitudes of individuals TLC expands on this with a team approach to enhance the total quality of leadership within your organization. From group workshops which provide a foundation that enables team leaders to manage their team toward to a shared goal to Individual based classes which will show participants exactly how to be a leader and, more importantly, "Why."


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